SWWC CLIR Assessment

  • SWWC Cyber Liability Insurance Readiness (CLIR) Assessment
    Are you ready for your next Cyber Liability Insurance Renewal? Nationally, entities such as schools and small units of government have been seeing their Cyber Liability Insurance Premiums increase dramatically, and in several cases, they are finding out that their current carriers will not provide them with coverage in the future.

    SWWC Cybersecurity provides, at no charge to members of SWWC Service Cooperative, our Cyber Liability Insurance Readiness Assessment.
    The assessment is based on the questionnaires that have been provided by some of the biggest names in the business, as well as smaller, local carriers based in the upper-midwest. The compiled assessment provides you with the ability to gauge your readiness for your next Cyber Liability Insurance renewal against the continuously evolving industry standards. Not a member of SWWC? Membership can be purchased for as little as $50 for an associate membership to our organization! the CLIR Assessment is available for $100.00 if you are not a member of SWWC Service Cooperative.

    Simply fill out the assessment, and SWWC Cybersecurity will analyze your responses and contact you to discuss the results and provide an overview of what your cyber liability insurance renewal may look like.
    Our goal for the CLIR Assessment is to help your entity understand what corrective actions you may need to take in order to:
    1) Qualify for Cyber Liability Insurance
    2) Once qualified, take steps to minimize your policy's premium.

    Complete your SWWC CLIR Assessment now!

    SWWC Service Cooperative (SWWC) is not a cyber liability insurance carrier.

    Data collected through the SWWC CLIR Assessment will be utilized for the purposes of analyzing an entity's perceived ability to be insured for Cyber Liability Insurance based on insurance industry standards.

    Data collected will not be provided to any third-party in a raw or individualized format. SWWC reserves the right to utilize summative data and analysis from collected data for any purposes.

    The SWWC CLIR Assessment is not an application for any insurance. SWWC Service Cooperative staff will analyze data provided through the CLIR Assessment and contact the submitter to discuss our findings. SWWC cannot ensure that an entity will be covered or denied when applying for a policy with an insurer. SWWC reserves the right to offer to any entity completing the CLIR Assessment, products and services that will address any deficiencies identified through the data that has been provided in this service.

    No data that is considered personally identifying, private or confidential shall be requested in the SWWC CLIR Assessment. Those completing the Assessment are instructed not to provide any such data that could be considered private or confidential.

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