- SWWC Service Cooperative
- Instructional Coaching/New Teacher Center
Welcome to SWWC's New Teacher Center!
Welcome to SWWC’s New Teacher Center!
Our model is centered around teacher growth and development, student success, and creating optimal learning environments. SWWC has been partnering with the New Teacher Center since 2018. This partnership has provided us with the opportunity to enhance and expand upon the important work of mentorship, instructional coaching, and cohesive professional learning across schools. We offer:
- offer evidence-based mentor and instructional coaching training
- best practices in developing effective and sustainable induction programs
- leadership support
- Learning Walk process aligned to student and teacher growth
- Related professional learning for all staff
Our Program Mission:
To provide ongoing support to teachers, mentors/coaches & school leaders through collaborative partnerships with resources that disrupt achievement inequities and accelerate educator effectiveness, promote continuous improvement & reflective practice that maximize student engagement and achievement.
SWWC was recently named as a grantee of the Minnesota Statewide Teacher Mentoring Program grant. Our grant proposal was submitted in collaboration with the Minnesota River Valley Education District (MRVED), Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU), the Minnesota Science Teachers Association (MnSTA) and Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF), along with other Minnesota Service Cooperatives.
The priorities and scope of the Statewide Teaching Mentoring Program Grant work will be for schools that have one or more of the following needs:
- Schools that do not have a formal mentoring and induction program are interested in establishing one.
- Schools in need of mentor support for Tier 1, 2 and/or new Special Education teachers.
- Secondary schools in need of mentor support for new science teachers and have a science teacher who would be willing to mentor other science teachers.
- Schools with teachers of color and/or indigenous background on staff willing to serve as mentors to schools in need of mentor support for new teachers of color and indigenous backgrounds.
If you are interested in mentor/coach training and/or support around developing a mentor and induction program, please contact Lisa Gregoire at lisa.gregoire@swsc.org or 507-530-2902.
Program Highlights
Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Grant work
Five Considerations for Coaching New Special Education Teachers
Q & A with a Special Education Teacher
Minnesota Invests in Its Teacher Workforce
A Conversation with Elephant in the (Class)room Learning Experience
What Teachers are Saying about Support they have received from their mentor/coach

Participating Schools

Our Team
Lisa GregoireEIR Program Lead/Director of New Teacher Center507-537-2294