Welcome to STARRS Online Academy!

  • Helping students achieve their potential through individualized educational opportunities.
    Approved by MDE, STARRS Online Academy is a non-diploma program that expands educational opportunities for students in our member school districts. With the ability to remain enrolled in their home district, students can take STARRS Online Academy online courses to continue to meet their graduation requirements. These courses are taught by Minnesota licensed teachers who specialize in online teaching through the use of interactive and engaging course experiences. This program also meets Minnesota Academic Standards and uses assessment tools to measure student progress.
    Offering STARRS Online Academy gives alternatives to students who may be:
    • Looking for courses not offered in their district.
    • Looking for flexibility.
    • Experiencing mental or physical health issues.
    • Credit deficient and wanting to graduate.
    • Struggling with a traditional school environment.
    • Having difficulty with a teacher.

STARRS Online Academy Team