Cliff Notes for March 8, 2024

  • MSC logoSWWC/Minnesota Department of Education Partnership
    SWWC, along with the other eight Minnesota Service Cooperatives, is working with the Minnesota Department of Education on the development of a new multi-tiered statewide continuous improvement network. The network is called the COMPASS Statewide System of Regional Support and is set to start work by July 1, 2024.

    For SWWC, this will include several new specialist and lead positions to assist our school districts in the areas of literacy, math, systems of tiered support, culturally responsive school leadership, and equitable access. The bottom line is SWWC will provide a wider range of technical assistance, training, and coaching support for all public and charter schools in our region.

    This is a great opportunity for SWWC to partner with MDE and to provide additional support to the teaching and learning programs of our schools. Liz Deen is the administrator responsible for working on the development of this network. Please feel free to reach out to her with any questions or additional information.

    ELC logoELC Facility Updates
    ELC - Marshall: Unfortunately, we have run into some complications at the worksite (SMSU Social Science Building). We were notified of asbestos concerns uncovered during some of the renovation work being done. As of late last week, we had to shut the site down until we get additional information on the problem and how to best address the asbestos concern. It is too early to tell how this will impact the schedule or budget. I will provide additional updates as we know more.

    ELC - New London: This project continues to be on schedule and on budget.

    Virtual Town Hall Meeting
    I want to remind you of our next all-staff Virtual Town Hall meeting scheduled for 3pm on Wednesday, March 20. I encourage everyone to join the meeting as it is an important part of our overall communications plan. If you have any questions, please submit them to me via this Google Link. I prefer you submit your question ahead of time so that I can be prepared with my response.

    SWWC Continuing Education (CEUs)
    SWWC Continuing Education Chairperson Kayce Olson recently sent out a reminder email to all CSA Staff with the spring deadline to submit CEUs, which is March 30. CEUs submitted by the due date will be reviewed by the Continuing Education Committee at their April meeting. If you are due in June, this month is your last opportunity to get CEUs submitted. 

    robinSpring Reminders
    OK, the official first day of spring isn’t until Tuesday, March 19, but we have had such a mild winter that I wanted to provide some early spring reminders:
    • It's “Contract Season” and time for planning next year’s budget. Contracts are sent to our members annually in February, and we ask that they are returned by April 1. This process drives our staffing needs for the next year ... and staffing drives our budget planning. The last few years have been steady, and we haven’t seen too much change year over year. I expect it will be similar this year.
    • Springtime is also our insurance renewal time. There is work to be done on our health insurance renewal as we plan for next year. Currently, I do not have any details to share, but as soon as I do, we will be sure to get this out to you.
    • The SWWC Spring Celebration for all staff is scheduled for Thursday, June 6. The plan again this year is to have a “picnic in the park” and celebrate our annual staff awards. Be looking for more information as we get closer to June.