SWWC Acronyms

  • ADM - Average Daily Membership
    ALC - Alternative Learning Center
    ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
    AT - Assistive Technology
    BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
    BVI - Blind/Visually Impaired
    CCOGA - Cities, Counties & Other Gov Agencies
    CEA - Classified Employee Association
    CPC - Cooperative Purchasing Connection
    CPI - Crisis Prevention Institute
    COMS - Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist
    COTA - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
    CSA - Certified Staff Association
    CTE - Career and Tech Education
    D/HH - Deaf/Hard of Hearing
    DAPE - Developmental Adaptive Physical Education
    DB - Deaf-Blind
    DCD - Developmental Cognitive Disabilities
    DD - Developmental Delay
    DHH - Deaf/Hard of Hearing
    DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
    DSS - Direct Student Staff
    EBD - Emotional Behavioral Disorders
    ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education
    EDMN - Education Minnesota
    EDRS - Electronic Data Reporting System
    EL - English Learner
    ELC - Educational Learning Center
    ER - Evaluation Report
    E-Rate - Education Rate (Federal Discount)
    ERISA - Employee Retirement Security Act
    ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act
    FBA - Functional Behavior Assessment
    FY - Fiscal Year
    H&S - Health and Safety
    HSA - Health Savings Account
    IBNR - Incurred But Not Reported
    IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    IEIC - Interagency Early Intervention Committee
    IEP - Individual Education Plan
    IFSP - Individual Family Service Plan
    ISD - Independent School District
    IT - Information Technology
    ITV - Interactive Television
    JA - Junior Achievement
    LEA - Local Education Agency
    LD - Learning Disabled
    LI - Low Incidence
    MA - Medical Assistance
    MARSS - MN Automated Reporting Student System
    MCA - Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment
    MDE - Minnesota Department of Education
    MMR - Multiple Measurements Rating
    MNTAAB - MN Tax & Aid Anticipation Borrowing Prog
    MOE - Maintenance of Effort
    MTSS - Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
    O&M - Orientation and Mobility
    OHD - Other Health Disabilities
    OT - Occupational Therapy
    PD - Physical Disability
    PBIS - Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
    PERA - Public Employees' Retirement Association
    PI - Physically Impaired
    PSEO - Postsecondary Enrollment Options
    PT - Physical Therapy
    PTA - Physical Therapist Assistant
    R-CSPD - Regional Comprehensive System of Personnel Development
    RMIC - Regional Management Information Center
    RSR - Rate Stabilization Reserve
    RtI - Response to Intervention
    SLD - Specific Learning Disability
    SLP - Speech-Language Pathology
    SMI - Severly Multiply Impaired
    SOD - Statutory Operating Debt
    SpEd - Special Education
    STAR - Staff Automated Reporting
    SW-PBIS - Schoolwide PBIS
    T&L - Teaching and Learning
    TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
    TSES - Total Special Education System
    UFARS - Uniform Financial Accounting & Reporting Standards
    VEBA - Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association
    VI - Visually Impaired
    WAN - Wide Area Network

Other Acronyms

    Minnesota Associations
    MAEOP - Educational Office Professionals
    MAESP - Elementary School Principals
    MASA - School Administrators
    MASBO - School Business Officials
    MASE - Special Education
    MASPA - School Personnel Administrators
    MASSP - Secondary School Principals
    MNSPRA - School Public Relations
    MREA - Rural Education
    MRVED - MN River Valley Ed District, Montevideo
    MSBA - School Boards
    MSC - Service Cooperatives 
    Educational Service Agency Acronyms

    AEA - Area Education Agency
    BOCES - Board of Cooperative Educational Services
    CESA - Cooperative Education Service Agency
    ESA - Education Service Agency
    ESC - Educational Service Center
    ESU - Educational Service Unit
    IU - Intermediate Unit
    RESA - Regional Education Service Agency
    SC - Service Cooperative